Sunday, December 19, 2010

Suicide Bomber

He knew his mission. Get in, recruit, expand their territory, then self-destruct killing and destroying the entire area, and hopefully the whole region. This was his moment to shine. They would write books about him. He would be famous.

Slipping in undetected, he tried to blend in. No one seemed to notice that he didn't belong. He looked the same as they did, even acted and communicated the same. Yes to everyone else, he belonged.

With each passing day, he studied them all, those who were easy enough to convert, and those who he needed to avoid. The whites were strong, some stronger than others. A specific group of whites were all about 'White Power'. He doubted he could get any recruits from them. Most likely, they were the ones who would try and take him down. The others however, were easier targets.

Most in the area were like the Samurai, they would rather commit seppuku and die, then fall into enemy hands. Others, whether too proud, or in denial, could be easily convinced. All it took was a little persuasion.

After a year or so of blending in, he started his attack. He'd made many 'friends' during his station in the area. Now it was time to spread out, divide and conquer.

His recruits were sent to different regions, their first job to get more members. Then, once they had enough on their side, they were going to all take over the areas, killing everyone they could.

Suicide for their namesake was considered honorable. The troops went out, and started enlisting as many as they could find. Everything was going according to plan. They almost had enough on their side to overthrow their enemy.

One recruit however, was careless. She tried to alter the wrong man, and the enemy caught wind of their plans. Soon, they started to attack. Lucky for the soldier and his followers, they had enough newcomers that were willing to sacrifice their simple life, and take a few of their enemies with them.

The outside world soon discovered what was going on, and sent in chemical warfare. Many of their converts were destroyed, but few went into hiding. After laying dormant for a few months, they spread out again, in search of more followers.

This time, they were more successful. They had all the soldiers they needed, plus some to spare. They started to attack their enemies, and this time, they were winning. The area all around them was desolate, dead and uninhabitable.

If they kept winning this battle, they would eventually wipe out all their enemies, and make their enemies homeland barren. The leader estimated that complete annihilation would be completed in approximately 4-6 weeks. Yes, he would go down in history, if he wasn't there already.


I'm sorry ma'am. The Chemo didn't work. The cancer has returned. You have 6 weeks to live.”

Creative Commons License
Suicide Bomber by Amanda Jones is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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